The theme has been a long held dream of ours: a moustache party.
The official title is Moustache-Athon Housewarming Party and every guest must wear a fake moustache during the event.
Oh the hilarity! How much laughter will surely fill these rooms in just a short week's time!
In order to prepare, Dweeb and I spent some time looking at moustache options online. While at first the google search turned up void of any viable options (everything was far too janky for our tastes) we finally found the Mecca of all online moustache resources: American Mustache Institute. According to their website, "AMI is the only facial hair think tank and advocacy organization in the world which has fought against a long pattern of discrimination against the Mustached American community since its secret formation in the 1960s."
As part of their service to the American community at large, AMI offers a list (complete with pictures) of the several types of moustaches one may choose to wear. As a woman, I found "The English" and "The Petite Handlebar" to be the most electrifying (although I wouldn't refuse a man with a pencil 'stache).
As you can imagine from my perusal of AMI's website as well as the Moustache-Athon, I am a committed advocate of facial hair on men. It's really not just a matter of preference, it's a way of life.
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