Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A call to arms!

Recently, my roommate Colleen's fiance's aunt sent her an email with a link to this inspirational story about medical clowning.

The aunt included this message:
Please take a few moments to become acquainted with the newest innovation that Israel is using to better the lives of sick children. It is very moving. Indeed, it is another great gift Israel is giving to the world.

That was we like to call a fiance's aunt truth bomb.

Thank you for taking the time to watch this call to arms. Remember, ask not what medical clowning can do for you, ask what you can do for medical clowning.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A niece is just a baby who is your brother's daughter.

Hi there. I know it's been awhile. What can I say? I've been busy growing out my nails and that makes typing really difficult. And let's face it: I'm lazy as trash.

Now that we've gotten through that...

Recently, my brother and his wife have successfully created a child. Actually, 9 months ago they created a child but about 10 days ago, they brought this into fruition.

I take a lot of credit for the birth being successful because I faithfully waited in the hospital to meet my niece. It was a long endeavor. You might think that my sister-in-law had to do all the work but you would be wrong. It was me. All me. And the peanuts and diet coke I got out the vending machine in the San Antonio community hospital cafeteria.

*Formal Complaint: the cafeteria is impossible to find because of rather ridiculous signage. I almost walked into the morgue 17 times in an effort to get some edible goods. Imagine the hilarious consequences if I had realized I wasn't eating food but dead human remains! Fun!


Because of my loving support and the small contribution of my sister-in-law (and even less so, my brother), into the world burst: Kiley (the niece) and life has been impossibly cute ever since. Seriously, every thing she does is so freaking cute I want to tear my arms off.

Even though Kiley is really little and hasn't managed to keep her eyes open for more than 10 minutes, she has already made a choice that concerns me deeply.

As you know, all infants are naturally endowed with an understanding of the infamous East Coast/West Coast battle that has raged on since the early days of rap and, more gruesomely, parachute pants.

Now, a typical baby will not reveal his or her understanding of this chasm until much later in life. They will "discover" Tupac and, usually depending on where they are from, they will throw down a sign that indicates their allegiance.

This moment of decision is an important "coming of age" moment for many a jr. high student.

Kiley, however, has chosen to already take sides on that matter. Being that I am a legit and loving aunt, I advised her to wait until she was older and had given each coast the opportunity to make a formal offer.
But, gosh darn it!, she is just so headstrong and was eager to make her decision known.

Thus, I introduce to you: Kiley.

West Coast 4 lifez.